AAF Prefilter and Fine Filter 12x24x2 inch
Material: outer frame made of hard carton paper; inner filter layer made of Media filter G4 cotton with honeycomb-shaped aluminum frame
Dimensions: 12 x 24 x 2 inches, Zig Zag pleated style
Applications: coarse dust filtration for factories, clean rooms, offices, buildings, hospitals
Brand: AAF, made in Malaysia, with full CO and CQ certifications
Our custom AAF air filters come in a wide variety of types. Our air filters for air conditioning can be used in both commercial and residential industries. With our AAF filters, you will receive an enhanced product with both standard and custom configurations. Our AAF filters meet or exceed OEM filter requirements and OEM field performance while offering significantly lower prices and fast delivery.
Dong Chau imports and distributes nationwide at wholesale prices 02862702191, lienhe@dongchau.net
Khung giấy lọc khí AAF 12x24x2 inch
Khung giấy lọc thô 12x24x2 inch của Mỹ
Phân phối giá sỉ khung giấy lọc khí AAF 12x24x2 inch
Khung lọc bụi thô AAF, khung giấy 12x24x2"
Nhập khẩu sản phẩm lọc khí AAF
Nhóm chuyên viên tư vấn sản phẩm Đông Châu
KD1: 0902490389 - baogia@sanphamloc.com.vn
KD2: 0901325489 - kinhdoanh@sanphamloc.com.vn
KD3: 0938958295 - locbui@sanphamloc.com.vn
KD3: 0906893786 - dongchau8@dongchau.net
KD4: 0909374589 - muahang@dongchau.net
KD5: 0906882695 - hotrokhachhang@sanphamloc.com.vn
KD6: 0902703986 - dongchau9@dongchau.net